AHRI Membership
AHRI Potsdam Declaration
Both international humanitarian law and human rights law are under pressure today. AHRI
calls on all decision-makers and stakeholders, including academic and practical experts, to
continue to unabatedly advance their cause and strengthen their mutually reinforcing
protection of human dignity and human lives.
Potsdam, 7 September 2019
How to become a member
Membership of the Association is “open to human rights institutes and comparable entities on the condition that they have a demonstrably independent and academic status and can subscribe to all provisions of this constitution” (AHRI Constitution Article 9).
The application for membership should contain the following information:
Date which the institute was established
Academic status (university/independent research institution/working group)
Motivation for applying for AHRI membership.
An explanation of the institution's governance structure, the name of the representative to AHRI and the administrative contact.
A statement on how the institute envisions contributing to the development and strengthening of the AHRI network.
Short description of the research on human rights carried out at the institution.
About the application
The annual AHRI membership fee is ranges from 150 EUR to 250 EUR depending on a number of factors, including the economic grading of the country and the individual institute’s financial capacity.
The application should be supported in writing by at least one existing AHRI member.
The application together with the Letter of Support by (an) existing AHRI member(s) should be submitted to the AHRI Secretariat at least two months before the Assembly meeting takes place in the given year.
Applications will be forwarded to the Executive Committee, who will request further information from the applicant if needed.
Admission will be decided upon by the AHRI Assembly on the basis of a two-third majority of Members present. The Assembly meeting takes place once a year, normally in September. The date of the annual Assembly will be posted on the AHRI website.